By Vicki Patterson
A healthy environment can only be maintained if we learn to use our natural resources sustainably. By consuming less and conserving more, we can leave behind a healthy planet for future generations. Get inspired to make the world a better place with these environmentally friendly habits in honor of Protecting Our Natural Resources month.
Conserve Water at Home
Harvest Rainwater
Turn off faucet when brushing teeth
Install water efficient appliances
Save fuel by walking or riding your bike.
Use Less Paper
Switch to online bill pay.
Opt out of junk mail subscriptions.
Think before you print.
Recycle according to your local guidelines.
Subscribe to digital magazine subscriptions.
Cut Packaging and Food Waste
Plan your weekly meals to waste less food.
Only buy food on your shopping list.
Start a compost pile.
Cut down on processed foods in your cupboards.
Pack your lunch with reusable containers.
Skip fast food.
Reuse water bottles and plastic bags.
Use less straws, plastic silverware and paper plates.
Start or be a part of a community garden.
Use Less Electricity
Unplug chargers and appliances when not in use.
Open your windows instead of running the A/C.
Turn lights off before leaving your home.
Install timers or motion detectors on indoor and outdoor lighting.
Use Your Space Wisely
Plant flowers for birds, bees and other pollinators.
Eat less meat, go vegetarian or vegan and shop from local farmers markets.
Plant a garden and harvest your own food.
Plant fruit trees.
Other Ways To Help
Find or give items to your local thrift shop.
Purchase products made in the USA.
Shop yard sales, garage sales and estate sales instead of large department stores.
Use sustainably sourced beauty products.
Buy ethically grown/harvested coffee and chocolate.
What are ways you're living sustainably? Do you have a conservation tip that we didn’t mention?
Let us know in the comments!